The Adventures of Teddy Ruxpin - Episode Guide- "The New Mavo Member"
By Teddy Ruxpin Online Webmaster Josh Isaacson  

Overall Rating- 5/6

While LB pulls the wagon up a winding dirt road, Tweeg practices his MAVO membership acceptance speech.

"I tweeg, Evil Genius... ah yes that's it Evil Genius, I like that.
I Tweeg, Evil Genius."

"Evil Genius? You know one Tweeze?"

I'd watch your oversized mouth, LB, when I'm master of MAVO you'll be sorry you ever trifled with me."

LB purposefully takes the wagon over a large rock, sending Tweeg sprawling.

The trio are up in the Airship following Tweeg to MAVO.... Teddy has widdled another realistic looking crystal out of the Salt Crystals Grubby blew up in the previous episode.

Tweeg and LB arrive at MAVO headquarters and are promptly greeted by Ickley, who facetiously thanks them for stopping by "our humble headquarters today" and then proceeds to scream at them from MAVO rulebook page 4, paragraph one.... only MAVO members are allowed in. Tweeg quotes Quellor's previous threat that anyone who stands in the way of MAVO having the Crystals will suffer. Bognostraclum changes his tune and allows Tweeg entrance.

Quellor is quite pleased that MAVO finally has the crystals, and allows Tweeg to become an apprentice. Elanor, meanwhile, is not happy that Tweeg went over her head and brought the crystals straight to Quellor.

The Trio land at MAVO and quickly realize that the airship is very likely to be spotted. Grubby inadvertently gives Gimmick the idea to shrink the Airship with the reducing machine. Teddy thinks it'd be a great idea to shrink them, too, that way they could easily get into MAVO to get back the crystals. Gimmick isn't sure how they will operate the reducing machine to get back to normal size if they shrink themselves again - as in "Take a Good Look"- but quickly comes up with a plan. The miniature trio climb in the newly shrunken Airship and fly into MAVO.

Ickley Bognostraclum is greeting guests at the MAVO party. Some of the honored guests include "Rancid Lautin," "Vlatsmere Ruggle, originator of the Slime Pie" and "Lord Porfman Stedsome, who's a bad manners consultant. Eleanor is quite upset that she's been seated next to her son and LB. Tweeg is still practicing his speech even as the party begins.

The Understander of Legends appears with the Crystals, and says that MAVO is now free from the theat of Goodness forever. Tweeg mudders that "it was nothing".

"You teach them bad manners and they show some disrespect to their elders, then you kick them out into the world."

Quellor welcomes Tweeg as a new apprentice member. The crowd then begins to sing the MAVO theme-song, and the trio spots this as their chance to replace the real crystals with the phony salt crystals. The trio zap the crystals with the reducing machine and then net them as they fall to the ground. They then use some of Grubby's root stew as a adhesive and carefully place the salt crystlas in their place. Once the trio has all the crystals, they quickly try to split. Unfortunately, the MAVO members have chosen that moment to pop the corks on their celebratory drinks, and the Airship is hit with the flying objects, sending Grubby overboard and into the salad of a unsuspecting monster. A quick thinking Teddy grabs the reducing machine and zaps Grubby back to giant size just before he's eaten. Grubby causes quite a raucous before he returns to the airship, shrunk back to miniature size. The gigantuan Grubby is quickly blamed on Bognostraculm... "He'll let just any monster in here." Eleanor says she has never been less embarrased by Tweeg now that he's a MAVO member.

The Trio make it out of MAVO and return the airship to normal size. Gimmick says he's going to make an extra effort to find out what powers the crystals have now that they are in posession of them again. Teddy wonders what the Understander meant when she said the Crystals would never again be in the hands of an Illiop, Gimmick doesn't know, but says he has never even heard of crystals before Teddy came along and marvels at how exciting things have been lately. Grubby remarks, over the laughter of the other two, that all this adventuring has sure made him hungry, and suggests that they eat.


Another show where Tweeg gets the laughs- mostly at him and not with him, however. 

The trio's enginuity, teamwork and imagination in this episode, and the classic subtle humor (I love the "Bad Manners Consultant" line)  show off some of the best writing of the series. The episode is also very good visually. One of my favorite scenes from the series is the Airship heading off into the sunset following the end of this episode. 

It also sets the mood for the upcoming blocks of shows, featuring the epic battle to keep the crystals out of MAVO's hands and Teddy's continuing quest to uncover their secrets.  






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Page Created 04/26/2009