ELEANOR TWEEG CHARACTER PROFILE  By Josh Isaacson, Teddy Ruxpin Online Webmaster

In an early episode of the TV series, Jack W. Tweeg opens a letter from his "Mummy" expecting to find his allowance. Instead, he finds a letter which threatens to disinherit him if he doesn't immediately begin doing horrible deeds and in turn join MAVO. It ends with a signature- "Your Ashamed Mother."   

Eleanor Tweeg is of course that ashamed mother.... the hag-faced hidiousity, a term of endearment Tweeg uses to describe her, is a troll- a humanlike species in Grundo that seems to live primarily in Ying. At some point  Eleanor met Elroy, a mellow surf grunge, and together they produced Jack W. Tweeg. Elroy couldn't handle Eleanor's constant ridicule and split, forcing little Jack W. to be subjected to a life filled with only his overbearing mother as an influence. The fact Tweeg turned out as good as he did is quite a miracle considering that fact.

Eleanor lives alone in a cabin of sorts out in the middle of nowhere, with only her pet Sparky- some sort of a dog like creature- to keep her company. She doesn't like visitors, and likes them even less when it's her son and/or his bounder friend LB knocking. She's a member of MAVO and her heart goes aflutter at the site of Quellor.  She briefly becomes the Understander Of Legends when the previous Understander is elevated for a time to Supreme Oppressor.  She causes a raucous at MAVO late in the series when she shows up to the costume party dressed in a realistic Illiop costume.

While Eleanor herself makes up the majority of the minority of Grundonians who think she's easy on the eyes- she does have one admirer- the Mudblup King, who buys her from Tweeg at one point in exchange for a box of coal. Eleanor uses her persuasion over the king to convince him to allow his subjects to compete in a failed Grungeball game.  Although Eleanor talks the talk of a hardened villain, she's not really that much more successful than the son she so often criticizes. Most of her plans go awry just as Jack W's do... the failed imprisonment of Burl Ruxpin being one example. 

Eleanor steals the scenes she's in with Tweeg and LB... as good of a critic as LB is for his boss, Eleanor's tirades against Tweeg are of a colder and more cynical variety... LB often pokes fun in order to motivate his boss, while Eleanor does it probably just to feel better about herself.  It's all funny, nonetheless.   






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